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Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)

The predictable total revenue generated by an organisation from all its active subscriptions in a month, key for financial stability.


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Monthly Recurring Revenue is crucial for subscription-based businesses, indicating predictable monthly revenue and financial health. For Product Managers, it guides strategic decisions, product development, and customer management, essential for forecasting growth, assessing scalability, and optimising customer satisfaction and revenue.


  1. Identify recurring revenue sources, 
  2. Segment revenue sources, 
  3. Calculate Monthly Recurring Revenue for each segment, 
  4. Aggregate Monthly Recurring Revenue, 
  5. Adjust for new additions, churn, and expansions,
  6. Adjust trends and insights.


  • Predictable financial planning, 
  • Performance tracking and growth measurement, 
  • Investor attractiveness and valuation.


  • Does not account for churn or customer lifetime value, 
  • Potential for short-term focus, 
  • Complexity in revenue recognition.


Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) is a vital metric for businesses operating on a subscription-based model, quantifying the predictable revenue generated from customers on a monthly basis. This metric consolidates all recurring charges, including subscriptions, memberships, and other ongoing services, providing a clear view of the financial health and stability of the business. For Product Managers, Monthly Recurring Revenue is not just a financial metric; it's a beacon guiding strategic decisions, product development, and customer relationship management.

Understanding and optimising Monthly Recurring Revenue is crucial for forecasting future revenue, assessing business growth, and planning for scalability. It enables Product Managers to track the impact of new subscriptions, churn rates, and the effectiveness of retention strategies, offering a comprehensive overview of the subscription lifecycle. A steady or increasing Monthly Recurring Revenue indicates a healthy, growing customer base and a product that continues to meet market needs.

For Product Managers, focusing on Monthly Recurring Revenue involves devising strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, reduce churn, and encourage upgrades or cross-sells, thereby increasing the average revenue per user (ARPU). Monthly Recurring Revenue also aids in identifying trends and patterns in customer behaviour, allowing for more targeted and effective marketing strategies, product improvements, and customer service enhancements, all aimed at sustaining and boosting monthly revenue streams.


Calculating Monthly Recurring Revenue is essential for subscription-based businesses to understand their steady-state revenue streams and forecast future financial performance. Monthly Recurring Revenue provides a snapshot of the predictable revenue generated from your customers on a monthly basis, enabling you to make informed decisions about investments, budgeting, and growth strategies.

The process of calculating Monthly Recurring Revenue is as follows:

  1. Identify recurring revenue sources

    Start by identifying all sources of recurring revenue in your business. This includes all subscription fees or any other regular payments made by customers for continuous access to your product or service. Exclude one-time fees, setup fees, and any non-recurring revenue to ensure the accuracy of your Monthly Recurring Revenue calculation.

  2. Segment revenue sources

    Segment your recurring revenue based on different subscription plans, customer segments, or geographies, if applicable. This segmentation can provide deeper insights into which areas of your business are driving the most value and where there may be opportunities for optimisation or growth.

  3. Calculate Monthly Recurring Revenue for each segment

    For each segment, calculate the Monthly Recurring Revenue by summing up all the monthly subscription fees paid by customers. If you have customers on annual plans, divide their total annual payment by 12 to get the monthly equivalent for inclusion in Monthly Recurring Revenue. Ensure that discounts, prorations, and any changes in subscription fees are accurately reflected in your calculations.

  4. Aggregate Monthly Recurring Revenue

    Sum up the Monthly Recurring Revenue from all segments to get your total Monthly Recurring Revenue. This aggregation provides a comprehensive view of the recurring revenue generated by your business each month.

  5. Adjust for new additions, churn, and expansions

    Adjust your Monthly Recurring Revenue calculation to reflect new subscriptions (new Monthly Recurring Revenue), cancellations (churned Monthly Recurring Revenue), and changes in subscription fees due to upgrades or downgrades (expansion or contraction Monthly Recurring Revenue). This adjusted Monthly Recurring Revenue provides a more dynamic view of your revenue, accounting for the natural fluctuations in your customer base and their subscription choices.
  1. Analyse trends and insights

    Analyse your Monthly Recurring Revenue and its components over time to identify trends, patterns, and insights. Look for growth in new Monthly Recurring Revenue, impacts of churn, and the contribution of expansion Monthly Recurring Revenue. Understanding these dynamics can help you identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in your product offering and customer retention strategies.

    Leverage your Monthly Recurring Revenue calculations for financial forecasting, budgeting, and strategic decision-making. Monthly Recurring Revenue provides a predictable basis for projecting future revenue, understanding financial health, and making informed decisions about where to allocate resources for growth.

In conclusion, a systematic approach to calculating and analysing Monthly Recurring Revenue enables Product Managers and business leaders to gauge the financial health of their subscription-based business accurately. By understanding and optimising Monthly Recurring Revenue, you can drive sustainable growth, improve customer value, and make strategic decisions with confidence.


Calculating Monthly Recurring Revenue is essential for subscription-based businesses to understand their steady-state revenue streams and forecast future financial performance. Monthly Recurring Revenue provides a snapshot of the predictable revenue generated from your customers on a monthly basis, enabling you to make informed decisions about investments, budgeting, and growth strategies.

The process of calculating Monthly Recurring Revenue is as follows:

  1. Identify recurring revenue sources

    Start by identifying all sources of recurring revenue in your business. This includes all subscription fees or any other regular payments made by customers for continuous access to your product or service. Exclude one-time fees, setup fees, and any non-recurring revenue to ensure the accuracy of your Monthly Recurring Revenue calculation.

  2. Segment revenue sources

    Segment your recurring revenue based on different subscription plans, customer segments, or geographies, if applicable. This segmentation can provide deeper insights into which areas of your business are driving the most value and where there may be opportunities for optimisation or growth.

  3. Calculate Monthly Recurring Revenue for each segment

    For each segment, calculate the Monthly Recurring Revenue by summing up all the monthly subscription fees paid by customers. If you have customers on annual plans, divide their total annual payment by 12 to get the monthly equivalent for inclusion in Monthly Recurring Revenue. Ensure that discounts, prorations, and any changes in subscription fees are accurately reflected in your calculations.

  4. Aggregate Monthly Recurring Revenue

    Sum up the Monthly Recurring Revenue from all segments to get your total Monthly Recurring Revenue. This aggregation provides a comprehensive view of the recurring revenue generated by your business each month.

  5. Adjust for new additions, churn, and expansions

    Adjust your Monthly Recurring Revenue calculation to reflect new subscriptions (new Monthly Recurring Revenue), cancellations (churned Monthly Recurring Revenue), and changes in subscription fees due to upgrades or downgrades (expansion or contraction Monthly Recurring Revenue). This adjusted Monthly Recurring Revenue provides a more dynamic view of your revenue, accounting for the natural fluctuations in your customer base and their subscription choices.
  1. Analyse trends and insights

    Analyse your Monthly Recurring Revenue and its components over time to identify trends, patterns, and insights. Look for growth in new Monthly Recurring Revenue, impacts of churn, and the contribution of expansion Monthly Recurring Revenue. Understanding these dynamics can help you identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in your product offering and customer retention strategies.

    Leverage your Monthly Recurring Revenue calculations for financial forecasting, budgeting, and strategic decision-making. Monthly Recurring Revenue provides a predictable basis for projecting future revenue, understanding financial health, and making informed decisions about where to allocate resources for growth.

In conclusion, a systematic approach to calculating and analysing Monthly Recurring Revenue enables Product Managers and business leaders to gauge the financial health of their subscription-based business accurately. By understanding and optimising Monthly Recurring Revenue, you can drive sustainable growth, improve customer value, and make strategic decisions with confidence.


In conclusion, Monthly Recurring Revenue is an indispensable metric for subscription-based businesses, offering a comprehensive overview of predictable revenue streams and serving as a key indicator of financial health and growth potential. For Product Managers, understanding and optimising Monthly Recurring Revenue is crucial for making informed strategic decisions, from enhancing customer satisfaction to effectively managing churn and driving revenue growth. It allows for precise financial planning, performance tracking, and demonstrates the company's value to investors. However, it's important to consider Monthly Recurring Revenue in conjunction with other metrics such as churn rates and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) for a fuller picture of the business's health. By focusing on Monthly Recurring Revenue while maintaining a balance between short-term achievements and long-term goals, businesses can ensure sustainable growth and stability. Accurate calculation and diligent analysis of Monthly Recurring Revenue can empower Product Managers to guide their products and services toward success, making it an essential component of strategic planning and operational excellence in the subscription economy.

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