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Onboarding Completion Rate

The percentage of users who finish the onboarding process, indicating the effectiveness of the introduction to a product or service.


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Onboarding Completion Rate measures the percentage of new users finishing the onboarding process, indicating the effectiveness of initial user experience and product intuitiveness. For Product Managers, optimising this rate is crucial for user retention, engagement, and satisfaction, laying the foundation for long-term relationships and growth.


  1. Define the onboarding process, 
  2. Identify new users, 
  3. Track onboarding steps completion, 
  4. Calculate Onboarding Completion Rate, 
  5. Analyse and interpret the results, 
  6. Continuous improvement and monitoring.


  • Immediate engagement and reduced churn, 
  • Insights into user experience and product accessibility, 
  • Foundation for long-term customer relationships.


  • Does not guarantee long-term engagement, 
  • Potential for over-optimisation, 
  • Difficult in identifying qualitative factors.


Onboarding Completion Rate is a crucial metric that measures the percentage of new users who complete a defined onboarding process for a product or service. This process typically involves a series of steps designed to familiarise users with key features and functionalities, guiding them to value realisation as swiftly and efficiently as possible. For Product Managers, the Onboarding Completion Rate is a direct indicator of the initial user experience's effectiveness and the overall intuitiveness of the product interface.

Optimising the Onboarding Completion Rate is essential for ensuring that new users become active, engaged, and retained over time. A high completion rate suggests that users find the onboarding process helpful and are quickly able to see the value in the product, which correlates with higher levels of user satisfaction, increased engagement, and lower churn rates. Conversely, a low completion rate may indicate confusion, frustration, or a perceived lack of value, signalling areas for improvement in the onboarding experience.

For Product Managers, focusing on enhancing the Onboarding Completion Rate involves carefully designing and iterating on the onboarding flow to make it as intuitive and informative as possible. This might include simplifying steps, providing more contextual help, incorporating user feedback, and using analytics to identify and remove bottlenecks. Improving this metric is a key strategy for driving long-term user engagement and success, laying the foundation for a positive and lasting relationship with the product.


Calculating the Onboarding Completion Rate is a pivotal metric for understanding the effectiveness of your onboarding process in transitioning new users to active users of your product. This rate measures the percentage of new users who complete all the steps in your onboarding process within a specific timeframe, providing insights into how well your onboarding process engages and retains users. A well-designed onboarding process can significantly impact user retention, satisfaction, and long-term success with your product.

The process of calculating Onboarding Completion Rate is as follows:

  1. Define the onboarding process

    Start by clearly defining the steps in your onboarding process. This could include actions such as completing a user profile, taking a tutorial, integrating with other tools, or making a first transaction. The clarity of this process is crucial for measuring completion accurately.

  2. Identify new users

    Identify the cohort of new users to be measured. This includes any user who starts the onboarding process within a given timeframe. Ensure accurate tracking from the moment users sign up or install your product to differentiate between new and existing users.

  3. Track onboarding steps completion

    Implement tracking mechanisms to monitor the completion of each step in the onboarding process for new users. This can be done using analytics tools that capture user interactions within your product. Ensure that the tracking is accurate and reflects real user progress through the onboarding steps.

  4. Calculate onboarding completion

    Calculate the Onboarding Completion Rate by dividing the number of users who complete the entire onboarding process by the total number of new users who started the process, then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage:
An equation showing how to calculate the Onboarding Completion Rate
  1. Analyse and interpret the results

    Examine the Onboarding Completion Rate to identify potential bottlenecks or drop-off points in your onboarding process. A high completion rate indicates an effective onboarding process, while a low rate suggests areas for improvement.

  2. Continuous improvement and monitoring

    Use data and user feedback to identify specific steps in the onboarding process where users struggle or disengage. This could involve analysing user behaviour data, surveying users, or conducting user testing to gather qualitative insights.

    Based on your analysis, implement changes to simplify, streamline, or enhance the onboarding process. This could include reducing the number of steps, providing additional guidance or support at critical points, or personalising the onboarding experience based on user behaviour or preferences.

    Regularly monitor the Onboarding Completion Rate, especially after making changes to the onboarding process. Continuous measurement and analysis allow you to iterate on your onboarding strategy, further improving user engagement and retention over time.

In conclusion, accurately calculating and actively working to improve the Onboarding Completion Rate are critical for ensuring that new users successfully transition to active, engaged users of your product. By following this detailed methodology, Product Managers can enhance the user experience from the outset, laying the foundation for long-term user satisfaction and retention.


Calculating the Onboarding Completion Rate is a pivotal metric for understanding the effectiveness of your onboarding process in transitioning new users to active users of your product. This rate measures the percentage of new users who complete all the steps in your onboarding process within a specific timeframe, providing insights into how well your onboarding process engages and retains users. A well-designed onboarding process can significantly impact user retention, satisfaction, and long-term success with your product.

The process of calculating Onboarding Completion Rate is as follows:

  1. Define the onboarding process

    Start by clearly defining the steps in your onboarding process. This could include actions such as completing a user profile, taking a tutorial, integrating with other tools, or making a first transaction. The clarity of this process is crucial for measuring completion accurately.

  2. Identify new users

    Identify the cohort of new users to be measured. This includes any user who starts the onboarding process within a given timeframe. Ensure accurate tracking from the moment users sign up or install your product to differentiate between new and existing users.

  3. Track onboarding steps completion

    Implement tracking mechanisms to monitor the completion of each step in the onboarding process for new users. This can be done using analytics tools that capture user interactions within your product. Ensure that the tracking is accurate and reflects real user progress through the onboarding steps.

  4. Calculate onboarding completion

    Calculate the Onboarding Completion Rate by dividing the number of users who complete the entire onboarding process by the total number of new users who started the process, then multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage:
An equation showing how to calculate the Onboarding Completion Rate
  1. Analyse and interpret the results

    Examine the Onboarding Completion Rate to identify potential bottlenecks or drop-off points in your onboarding process. A high completion rate indicates an effective onboarding process, while a low rate suggests areas for improvement.

  2. Continuous improvement and monitoring

    Use data and user feedback to identify specific steps in the onboarding process where users struggle or disengage. This could involve analysing user behaviour data, surveying users, or conducting user testing to gather qualitative insights.

    Based on your analysis, implement changes to simplify, streamline, or enhance the onboarding process. This could include reducing the number of steps, providing additional guidance or support at critical points, or personalising the onboarding experience based on user behaviour or preferences.

    Regularly monitor the Onboarding Completion Rate, especially after making changes to the onboarding process. Continuous measurement and analysis allow you to iterate on your onboarding strategy, further improving user engagement and retention over time.

In conclusion, accurately calculating and actively working to improve the Onboarding Completion Rate are critical for ensuring that new users successfully transition to active, engaged users of your product. By following this detailed methodology, Product Managers can enhance the user experience from the outset, laying the foundation for long-term user satisfaction and retention.


In conclusion, the Onboarding Completion Rate is a pivotal metric that serves as a litmus test for the initial user experience and product's intuitive design. For Product Managers, it is not just a number but a gateway to understanding how effectively a product engages and retains new users from their first interaction. A high Onboarding Completion Rate is indicative of a successful onboarding process that seamlessly guides users to realise immediate value, setting the stage for long-term engagement and satisfaction. By focusing on refining and optimising the onboarding journey, Product Managers can significantly impact user retention, reduce churn, and foster a loyal user base. This continuous improvement in the onboarding experience is essential for sustaining growth and building a product that not only meets but exceeds user expectations, ensuring a positive start to the user-product relationship that endures over time.

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