Feature Bucket Mapping

A prioritisation strategy categorising features into buckets based on strategic alignment and user value, guiding product roadmap development.

Process Management

An icon indicating the number of times a resources has been favourited.


Feature Bucket Mapping categorises features into Must-Haves, Should-Haves, Could-Haves, and Won't-Haves. It guides product prioritisation, ensuring alignment with short-term goals and long-term vision. This method fosters disciplined decision-making, leading to a balanced product roadmap.


  1. Define feature buckets, 
  2. List potential features,
  3. Evaluate and categorise features, 
  4. Prioritise within buckets,
  5. Plan development roadmap,
  6. Allocate resources, 
  7. Review and adjust, 
  8. Communicate with stakeholders.


  • Clarifies product strategy and priorities, 
  • Enhances stakeholder communication and alignment, 
  • Supports dynamic product roadmapping.


  • Potential for subjectivity in categorisation,
  • Risk of overlooking interdependencies, 
  • Difficulty in balancing short-term and long-term goals.


Feature Bucket Mapping is a prioritisation framework used in product management to categorise features or initiatives into specific buckets based on their strategic alignment and expected impact. This method helps product managers and teams to visually organise and prioritise a diverse set of features, ensuring a balanced product roadmap that aligns with both short-term objectives and long-term vision.

Typically, features are sorted into buckets such as:

  •  Must-Haves: Essential features that address immediate needs or compliance requirements.
  • Should-Haves: Important but not critical features that enhance the user experience or product performance.
  • Could-Haves: Desirable features that could potentially add value but are not a priority.
  • Won't-Haves (for now): Features that are recognised but explicitly chosen not to be developed in the current planning cycle.

By grouping features into these categories, Feature Bucket Mapping facilitates strategic discussions about product development, helping teams to focus on what's truly important and make informed decisions about where to invest their efforts. This approach supports a disciplined and focused product strategy, ensuring that the roadmap reflects a well-rounded consideration of various factors, including market demands, user needs, technical feasibility, and business goals.


Feature Bucket Mapping is a strategic tool used in product management to categorise features into different buckets or categories based on their purpose and impact on the product's goals. This methodology helps product managers and development teams prioritise features and make informed decisions about where to allocate resources. Typically, features are divided into buckets such as "Must Haves," "Nice to Haves," "Innovations," and "Growth Enhancers," though the specific categories can vary based on organisational needs and product strategy. By employing Feature Bucket Mapping, teams can ensure a balanced development approach that supports the product's core functionality, enhances user satisfaction, drives growth, and fosters innovation. Here's a step-by-step guide on implementing Feature Bucket Mapping for effective feature prioritisation and product planning.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Define Feature Buckets

    Start by defining the categories or buckets into which features will be mapped. Common buckets include:

    • Must Haves: Essential features that address basic user needs and are critical for the product's viability.
    • Nice to Haves: Features that improve the user experience but are not critical for the initial launch.
    • Innovations: Cutting-edge features that can differentiate the product in the market.
    • Growth Enhancers: Features aimed at driving user acquisition, retention, and expansion.

  2. List potential features

    Compile a comprehensive list of potential features for the product. Include features that are currently under consideration, suggested by stakeholders, or identified through user feedback and market research.

  3. Evaluate and categorise features

    Evaluate each feature based on its alignment with product goals, user needs, and strategic value. Assign each feature to the most appropriate bucket. This process may require discussions and consensus among team members to ensure alignment and balance across categories.

  4. Prioritise within buckets

    Prioritise the features within each bucket. Consider factors such as the expected impact, user demand, cost of implementation, and dependencies between features. Prioritisation helps in focusing efforts on the most important features within each category.

  5. Plan development roadmap

    Use the prioritised feature buckets to plan the product development roadmap. Ensure that the roadmap reflects a balance across different categories, addressing essential user needs while also incorporating innovation and growth strategies.

  6. Allocate resources

    Allocate resources based on the prioritised features and development roadmap. Ensure that resource allocation supports the strategic balance intended by the Feature Bucket Mapping, with adequate attention given to each category.

  7. Review and adjust

    Regularly review the feature buckets and roadmap as the product evolves and new information becomes available. Be prepared to re-evaluate and re-categorize features and adjust priorities and resources accordingly.

  8. Communicate with stakeholders

    Communicate the Feature Bucket Mapping and development roadmap with all relevant stakeholders, including development teams, marketing, sales, and executive leadership. Clear communication ensures alignment and supports effective execution.

Feature Bucket Mapping is a valuable methodology for managing product features and prioritising development efforts. By categorising features into distinct buckets and prioritising within those categories, product teams can create a balanced development roadmap that supports the product's core functionality, enhances user experience, drives growth, and encourages innovation. This structured approach to feature prioritisation facilitates strategic resource allocation and helps ensure that the product development process aligns with overarching product goals and market demands.

This is some text inside of a div block.


Feature Bucket Mapping facilitates a structured approach to decision-making regarding product development, helping teams balance innovation, customer needs, and business goals. By effectively mapping out features across different categories, organisations can ensure a well-rounded product roadmap that aligns with their strategic vision and market demands. While Feature Bucket Mapping offers a pragmatic means for managing product features, it also faces challenges that need to be carefully navigated to optimise product planning and execution. This section will explore the benefits and limitations of employing Feature Bucket Mapping in the product development process.


  • Clarifies product strategy and priorities

    One of the main advantages of Feature Bucket Mapping is its ability to clarify product strategy and priorities. By organising features into specific buckets, product managers can visually articulate the strategic role each feature plays in the product's overall vision. This clarity supports more informed decision-making and ensures that development efforts are aligned with key priorities.

  • Enhances stakeholders communication and alignment

    Feature Bucket Mapping enhances communication and alignment among stakeholders by providing a clear framework for discussing feature prioritisation. It facilitates consensus-building by allowing stakeholders to understand the rationale behind feature categorisation, leading to greater support and buy-in for the product roadmap.

  • Supports dynamic product roadmapping

    The dynamic nature of Feature Bucket Mapping allows for flexibility in product roadmapping. As market conditions change or new customer insights emerge, features can be reevaluated and moved between buckets. This flexibility ensures that the product roadmap remains relevant and responsive to evolving business and customer needs.


  • Potential for subjectivity in categorisation

    A challenge with Feature Bucket Mapping is the potential for subjectivity in categorising features. Different stakeholders may have varying opinions on what constitutes a "Must Have" versus a "Nice to Have," leading to debates and potential gridlock. Establishing clear criteria for each bucket can help mitigate this issue and ensure a more objective approach to feature prioritisation.

  • Risk of overlooking interdependencies

    Feature Bucket Mapping might overlook the interdependencies between features, especially when they are placed in different buckets. Failing to consider how features interact with one another can lead to challenges in implementation and integration, affecting the overall product coherence and user experience.

  • Difficulty in balancing short-term and long-term goals

    Balancing short-term and long-term goals can be difficult with Feature Bucket Mapping. There's a risk that immediate priorities may overshadow longer-term strategic initiatives, potentially stalling innovation or delaying important but not urgent features. Regularly reviewing and adjusting the feature buckets in light of strategic goals is essential to maintain this balance.


In conclusion, Feature Bucket Mapping serves as an indispensable tool in the product management landscape, offering a structured and visual method for prioritising and managing product features. By categorising features into Must-Haves, Should-Haves, Could-Haves, and Won't-Haves, teams can navigate the complex terrain of product development with greater clarity and strategic focus. This method not only simplifies decision-making but also ensures a balanced approach to product roadmap construction, aligning development efforts with both immediate objectives and long-term visions. However, the effectiveness of Feature Bucket Mapping hinges on the ability to mitigate potential challenges, such as subjective categorisation and overlooking feature interdependencies. By maintaining open communication among stakeholders and regularly revising feature allocations based on evolving product strategies and market feedback, teams can leverage Feature Bucket Mapping to its fullest potential. This balanced and dynamic approach to feature prioritisation empowers product teams to deliver innovative and user-centric solutions that drive business success and customer satisfaction.

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