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Customer Health Score

An overall gauge of a customer's engagement, satisfaction, and likelihood of continued product or service usage or churn based on various data points.


An icon indicating the number of times a resources has been favourited.


The Customer Health Score aggregates engagement, satisfaction, and relationship metrics into a single figure, guiding Product Managers in identifying at-risk customers and growth opportunities. It enables proactive issue resolution, tailored engagement, and enhanced satisfaction, driving retention, loyalty, and business resilience.


  1. Define key health indicators, 
  2. Assign weights to each indicator, 
  3. Collect and aggregate data, 
  4. Calculate individual and overall health scores, 
  5. Segment customers by health score, 
  6. Develop action plans, 
  7. Monitor and update scores.


  • Predictive insights for retention, 
  • Targeted account management, 
  • Strategic product and service improvement.


  • Complexity in score calculation, 
  • Risk of over-reliance on quantitative data, 
  • Potential for misguided interventions.


The Customer Health Score is an essential metric that synthesises various indicators of a customer's engagement, satisfaction, and overall relationship with a product or service into a single, actionable figure. This score often incorporates factors such as product usage frequency, support ticket frequency, customer feedback, renewal rates, and upsell opportunities to provide a comprehensive view of the customer's current state. For Product Managers, the Customer Health Score is invaluable for identifying at-risk customers, uncovering opportunities for growth, and ensuring that customer success strategies are effectively aligned with customer needs.

By monitoring and optimising the Customer Health Score, Product Managers can proactively address issues before they escalate, tailor engagement strategies to enhance customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive retention and loyalty. This metric serves as a barometer for the health of the customer base, allowing Product Managers to segment customers based on their health scores and customise interventions accordingly.

Furthermore, understanding the drivers behind the Customer Health Score enables Product Managers to refine product offerings, improve customer support, and enhance the overall user experience. By focusing on maintaining or improving Customer Health Scores, companies can foster positive customer relationships, reduce churn, and build a more resilient and profitable business.


Calculating the Customer Health Score is a strategic process that offers a comprehensive view of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the overall health of the customer relationship. This metric is pivotal for identifying at-risk customers, fostering positive experiences, and ultimately, driving customer success and retention. A well-defined Customer Health Score enables businesses to proactively address issues before they escalate, enhancing customer lifetime value and fostering sustainable growth.

The process of calculating Customer Health Score is as follows:

  1. Define key health indicators

    Begin by identifying the key indicators that reflect the health of your customer relationship. These indicators can vary widely depending on your business model, industry, and customer journey stages. Common indicators include product usage metrics, support ticket frequency and resolution times, Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), payment timeliness, and engagement levels with your product or service.

  2. Assign weights to each indicator

    Not all health indicators are equally important. Assign weights to each indicator based on its significance to overall customer health. For instance, high engagement levels might be more indicative of a healthy relationship than a single late payment. The weighting should reflect your strategic priorities and the known drivers of customer satisfaction and retention in your industry.

  3. Collect and aggregate data

    Gather data for each indicator for every customer. This process often involves integrating data from various sources, such as CRM systems, usage tracking tools, financial systems, and customer feedback platforms. Ensure the data is current and accurately reflects the customer's recent interactions and experiences with your product or service.

  4. Calculate individual and overall health scores

    For each customer, calculate individual scores for each indicator based on the collected data. Then, aggregate these scores into an overall Customer Health Score using the weights assigned in step 2. This aggregated score provides a single, comprehensive metric that reflects the current health of each customer relationship.

    Customer Health Score can be calculated using the following formula:
An equation showing how to calculate the Customer Health Score
  1. Segment customers by health score

    Segment your customers based on their Customer Health Score to identify which customers are thriving, which are at risk, and which require immediate attention. This segmentation can help tailor your customer success strategies to address the specific needs and risks of each segment.

  2. Develop action plans

    For each segment, develop targeted action plans designed to maintain or improve health scores. For customers with high scores, focus on reinforcement and upsell strategies. For those with lower scores, identify the root causes of dissatisfaction or risk and implement targeted interventions to address these issues.

  3. Monitor and update scores

    Customer health is dynamic, so regularly update Customer Health Score based on fresh data. Continuous monitoring allows you to track the effectiveness of your interventions and adjust your strategies as customer relationships evolve.

In conclusion, a systematic approach to calculating and acting on the Customer Health Score enables Product Managers and Customer Success teams to proactively manage customer relationships, enhance satisfaction, and drive retention. By focusing on the key drivers of customer health, businesses can ensure that their customer success strategies are data-driven, targeted, and effective, leading to improved outcomes for both customers and the company.


Calculating the Customer Health Score is a strategic process that offers a comprehensive view of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and the overall health of the customer relationship. This metric is pivotal for identifying at-risk customers, fostering positive experiences, and ultimately, driving customer success and retention. A well-defined Customer Health Score enables businesses to proactively address issues before they escalate, enhancing customer lifetime value and fostering sustainable growth.

The process of calculating Customer Health Score is as follows:

  1. Define key health indicators

    Begin by identifying the key indicators that reflect the health of your customer relationship. These indicators can vary widely depending on your business model, industry, and customer journey stages. Common indicators include product usage metrics, support ticket frequency and resolution times, Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT), Net Promoter Score (NPS), payment timeliness, and engagement levels with your product or service.

  2. Assign weights to each indicator

    Not all health indicators are equally important. Assign weights to each indicator based on its significance to overall customer health. For instance, high engagement levels might be more indicative of a healthy relationship than a single late payment. The weighting should reflect your strategic priorities and the known drivers of customer satisfaction and retention in your industry.

  3. Collect and aggregate data

    Gather data for each indicator for every customer. This process often involves integrating data from various sources, such as CRM systems, usage tracking tools, financial systems, and customer feedback platforms. Ensure the data is current and accurately reflects the customer's recent interactions and experiences with your product or service.

  4. Calculate individual and overall health scores

    For each customer, calculate individual scores for each indicator based on the collected data. Then, aggregate these scores into an overall Customer Health Score using the weights assigned in step 2. This aggregated score provides a single, comprehensive metric that reflects the current health of each customer relationship.

    Customer Health Score can be calculated using the following formula:
An equation showing how to calculate the Customer Health Score
  1. Segment customers by health score

    Segment your customers based on their Customer Health Score to identify which customers are thriving, which are at risk, and which require immediate attention. This segmentation can help tailor your customer success strategies to address the specific needs and risks of each segment.

  2. Develop action plans

    For each segment, develop targeted action plans designed to maintain or improve health scores. For customers with high scores, focus on reinforcement and upsell strategies. For those with lower scores, identify the root causes of dissatisfaction or risk and implement targeted interventions to address these issues.

  3. Monitor and update scores

    Customer health is dynamic, so regularly update Customer Health Score based on fresh data. Continuous monitoring allows you to track the effectiveness of your interventions and adjust your strategies as customer relationships evolve.

In conclusion, a systematic approach to calculating and acting on the Customer Health Score enables Product Managers and Customer Success teams to proactively manage customer relationships, enhance satisfaction, and drive retention. By focusing on the key drivers of customer health, businesses can ensure that their customer success strategies are data-driven, targeted, and effective, leading to improved outcomes for both customers and the company.


In conclusion, the Customer Health Score is an indispensable metric for Product Managers and Customer Success teams aiming to proactively gauge and enhance the health of customer relationships. By aggregating various indicators into a single, actionable figure, this metric allows for a nuanced understanding of customer engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty. It serves as a critical tool for identifying at-risk customers, tailoring engagement strategies, and driving targeted improvements across products and services. However, it's vital to approach the Customer Health Score with a comprehensive strategy that balances quantitative data with qualitative insights and considers the broader context of each customer relationship. When used effectively, the Customer Health Score can significantly contribute to customer retention, satisfaction, and overall business growth, ensuring companies can sustainably build and maintain strong, profitable customer relationships.

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