Kano Model

The Kano Model places product features into three categories: basic needs, performance needs, and delighters; guiding product managers to prioritise development for enhanced customer satisfaction.

Customer & Market

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The Kano Model, by Professor Noriaki Kano, helps teams prioritise feature development by categorising them into Basic Needs, Performance Needs, and Delighters, offering insights into customer satisfaction. This framework aids in exceeding customer expectations and efficiently allocating resources for product enhancement.


  1. Survey design, 
  2. Collect responses, 
  3. Analysing responses, 
  4. Prioritise features,
  5. Prioritising features, 
  6. Continuous evaluation.


  • Enhanced understanding of customer satisfaction,
  • Effective feature prioritisation,
  • Dynamic adaptability to market changes.


  • Subjectivity in customer feedback,
  • Dynamic nature of customer preferences,
  • Difficulty in identifying delighters.


Originally developed in the 1980’s by Professor Noriaki Kano, the Kano Model stands out as a revolutionary framework designed to help teams understand and meet the needs of customers and prioritise the development of features. At its core, the model offers a nuanced perspective on how product features impact customer satisfaction , going beyond the traditional linear approach. It challenges Product Managers to delve deeper into the psychology of their customers, recognising that different types of product features have varying levels of perceived value directly impacting customer satisfaction.

The Kano Model classifies product features into three distinct categories:

  1. Basic Needs

    These are essential features that customers expect as a given; their absence leads to dissatisfaction, but their presence doesn’t necessarily increase satisfaction.

  2. Performance Needs

    These are features where customer satisfaction is proportionally related to the level of functionality or performance. The better these features, the higher the customer satisfaction.

  3. Delighters

    These are the unexpected features that, when provided, significantly boost customer satisfaction, but their absence doesn’t necessarily cause dissatisfaction.

This model has become an invaluable tool for product managers and developers worldwide. It aids in prioritising features, tailoring product developments, and ensuring that resources are allocated efficiently to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. By identifying what truly matters to customers, the Kano Model helps in creating products that not only meet but exceed customer expectations.

Incorporating the Kano Model into product development strategies allows for a more dynamic and responsive approach to managing customer needs and market changes. It also provides a clear framework for distinguishing between must-have features and those that can truly differentiate a product in the marketplace.


In the realm of product management, understanding and categorising customer preferences is pivotal for creating products that resonate deeply with the market. The Kano Model serves as a sophisticated framework in this endeavour, helping Product Managers distinguish between must-have features and those that delight and surprise users. It is particularly useful when determining the allocation of resources towards features that will significantly enhance customer satisfaction versus those that are merely expected or indifferent. This model categorises features into five main types: Must-be (basic needs), One-dimensional (performance needs), Attractive (delighters), Indifferent, and Reverse. Applying the Kano Model effectively allows Product Managers to strategically focus their development efforts, ensuring that the product not only meets the basic expectations of its users but also includes elements that can elevate the user experience to new heights. The methodology outlined below is designed to guide Product Managers through the process of applying the Kano Model, from surveying customers to analysing and acting on the data collected, ensuring that they can make informed decisions about feature development that aligns with customer desires and market trends.

A visual representation of the Kano Model showing how customer satisfaction is impacts on the provision of basic needs, performance needs, and delighters.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Survey design

    Design a detailed survey that asks customers about specific features or attributes of your product. The goal is to ascertain how the presence or absence of each feature would affect their satisfaction. For each feature, craft two questions: one that asks how the customer would feel if the feature were included (functional question) and another asking how they would feel if it were absent (dysfunctional question). Responses should be captured on a scale that ranges from "I like it" to "I dislike it," including options for neutral feelings or indifference.

  2.  Collect responses

    Disseminate the survey among a broad segment of your target market. Aim for a diverse demographic to ensure that the data collected reflects a wide range of customer perspectives. The number of responses should be enough to achieve statistical significance, thereby providing confidence in the resulting analysis.

  3. Analysing responses

    For each feature, analyse the survey responses to categorise it according to the Kano Model:

    • Must-be (Basic needs): These are the features that customers take for granted. Their absence causes dissatisfaction, but their presence doesn’t significantly increase satisfaction.

    • One-dimensional (Performance needs): Satisfaction increases as the performance or presence of these features increases, and vice versa.

    • Attractive (Delighters): These features can significantly increase customer satisfaction when present, but their absence doesn’t cause dissatisfaction.

    • Indifferent: Features that neither increase nor decrease satisfaction significantly.

    • Reverse: Features that customers might prefer not to have, as their presence could cause dissatisfaction.

    To analyse the responses, construct a Kano analysis grid for each feature. This grid plots the functional responses against the dysfunctional responses, allowing you to categorise each feature based on the dominant pattern of responses:

    • Create columns for the dysfunctional question responses ("I dislike it a lot" to "I like it a lot").

    • Create rows for the functional question responses ("I like it a lot" to "I dislike it a lot").

    • Plot responses in the corresponding cells based on how each respondent answered the functional and dysfunctional questions for each feature.

    The pattern of responses in this grid will reveal how each feature is perceived by your target market, allowing you to categorise them as Must-be, One-dimensional, Attractive, Indifferent, or Reverse.

  4. Prioritise features

    Based on the categorisation, prioritise the development of features. Start with Must-be features to ensure the product meets basic customer expectations. Next, focus on One-dimensional features to directly improve customer satisfaction and product competitiveness. Finally, consider incorporating Attractive features to surprise and delight customers, thereby differentiating your product in the market.

    • Must-be Features: Address these first, as they are the non-negotiables for your product to be considered satisfactory.

    • One-dimensional Features: Focus on these next, enhancing them can linearly increase customer satisfaction.

    • Attractive Features: Integrate these to delight customers and differentiate your product, but balance their development with the core features.

    Develop a roadmap that aligns with this prioritisation, ensuring resources are allocated efficiently to address the most impactful areas first.

  5. Prioritising features

    Implement the prioritisation in your product development cycles. Adopt an iterative approach to development, starting with Must-be features to establish a solid product foundation. Gradually integrate One-dimensional and Attractive features in subsequent development sprints, ensuring each addition is aligned with customer expectations and preferences.

  6. Continuous evaluation

    Customer preferences evolve over time, necessitating regular revaluation of your Kano Model analysis. Periodically conduct new surveys and update your feature categorizations to reflect current customer needs and desires. This continuous feedback loop ensures your product remains relevant and highly valued by your target market.

The detailed application of the Kano Model allows Product Managers to navigate the intricate landscape of customer preferences with precision and strategic foresight. By thoroughly understanding and categorising the impact of different features on customer satisfaction, product teams can tailor their development efforts to focus on what truly matters to their audience. This methodology not only guides the prioritisation of features but also fosters a customer-centric approach to product development, ensuring the creation of products that not only meet basic needs but also exceed expectations, thereby securing a competitive edge in the marketplace. With this comprehensive understanding of the Kano Model's application, Product Managers are well-equipped to elevate their products and delight their customers consistently.

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The Kano Model provides a unique lens through which Product Managers can view customer satisfaction and feature prioritisation. Ensuring product-market fit during the early stages of development can be difficult, however the Kano Model provides one mechanism to support decisions made and the development of features over time. That being said, it is important to understand the benefits and limitations of the tool to maximise its efficiency in practice and be aware of the pitfalls in its adoption.


  • Enhanced understanding of customer satisfaction

    The Kano Model provides deep insights into how different types of product features influence customer satisfaction. By distinguishing between basic needs, performance needs, and delighters, it helps businesses understand what is crucial for customer satisfaction and what can elevate it to delight.

  • Effective feature prioritisation

    The model aids in strategic decision-making regarding feature development and prioritisation. By categorising features based on their impact on customer satisfaction, the model guides product managers in allocating resources efficiently, focusing first on essential features and then on those that differentiate the product in the market.

  • Dynamic adaptability to market changes

    The Kano Model encourages continuous reassessment of customer needs and preferences, which can shift over time. This dynamic approach allows companies to stay aligned with evolving market trends and customer expectations, thereby maintaining or enhancing their competitive edge.


  • Subjectivity in customer feedback

    The model heavily relies on customer surveys and interviews, which can be subjective. Different customers may have varying interpretations and responses, potentially leading to inconsistent categorisation of features.

  • Dynamic nature of customer preferences

    Customer preferences and expectations can change rapidly, especially in fast-evolving markets. The Kano Model's categorisations can become outdated quickly, necessitating frequent re-evaluation, which can be resource-intensive.

  • Difficulty in identifying delighters

    Delighter are often unpredictable and can be challenging to identify through standard customer feedback methods. It can often be assumed that customers aren’t fully aware of what specific delighter features may be, limiting the effectiveness of surveys. There's also a risk that today's delighters can become tomorrow's basic needs, requiring constant innovation and foresight.

Understanding both the benefits and limitations of the Kano Model is crucial for product managers. On one hand, the model provides invaluable insights into customer psychology, enabling a nuanced approach to product development that aligns closely with customer desires and market demands. It helps in creating products that not only meet the basic expectations of customers but also surprise and delight them, fostering loyalty and competitive advantage.

On the other hand, the model's reliance on customer feedback introduces elements of subjectivity and variability. Customer preferences are not static; they evolve over time, influenced by market trends, technological advancements, and changing societal norms. This dynamism can render the categorisations within the Kano Model transient and, at times, challenging to accurately pin down. Additionally, the task of continuously identifying and integrating 'delighter' features can be a complex and resource-intensive endeavour.


In conclusion, the Kano Model remains a pivotal framework for Product Managers aiming to navigate the complex terrain of customer satisfaction and product development. By offering a deep dive into the nuances of customer preferences and categorising features into basic needs, performance needs, and delighters, it provides a clear pathway for prioritising feature development. This model not only aids in creating products that fulfil and exceed customer expectations but also helps in efficiently allocating resources towards features that truly matter. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the dynamic nature of customer preferences and the inherent subjectivity in feedback, which necessitates continuous engagement and adaptation. By leveraging the insights provided by the Kano Model, Product Managers can ensure their products remain relevant, competitive, and beloved by customers. Despite its limitations, the Kano Model's benefits in strategic decision-making and its impact on enhancing customer satisfaction make it an indispensable tool in the product management toolkit.

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