Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

The simplest version of a product that can be released to validate key hypotheses about customer needs and product-market fit with minimal effort.

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The Minimum Viable Product strategy, central to lean startup methodology, emphasises learning with minimal effort by launching the most basic version of a product to test and iterate on business hypotheses efficiently. It enables rapid, resource-efficient market learning and product adaptation.


  1. Identify user needs and market gap, 
  2. Define value proposition, 
  3. Determine core features, 
  4. Design and develop the Minimum Viable Product, 
  5. Launch and gather feedback, 
  6. Analyse feedback and learn,
  7. Iterate based on learnings, 
  8. Plan for further development.


  • Rapid market entry, 
  • Valuable user feedback, 
  • Resource efficiency.


  • Risk of under delivering, 
  • Market misinterpretation, 
  • Feature creep in iteration.


The Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a foundational concept in the world of lean startup methodology, emphasising the importance of learning in new product development with the least effort. Coined by Frank Robinson and popularised by Steve Blank and Eric Ries, the Minimum Viable Product is the most basic version of a product that a company can release to its customers. The primary goal of a Minimum Viable Product is to test, validate, and iterate on business hypotheses with minimal resources, thereby maximising learning about customers with the least amount of effort and time.

A Minimum Viable Product focuses on identifying and solving the core problem for its target users, incorporating only essential features that allow the product to be deployed and used. This approach enables companies to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customer preferences and behaviours with the least effort. By introducing the product early in the development cycle, companies can gather insights and feedback from real users, which can then be used to make informed decisions about how to evolve the product.

The Minimum Viable Product strategy is particularly effective in mitigating the risks associated with launching new products. It allows businesses to test their assumptions about the market, refine their product based on actual user feedback, and pivot if necessary, without committing significant resources to full product development. This iterative process of build-measure-learn helps companies to more accurately align their product offerings with customer needs, thereby increasing the chances of success in the market.

In essence, the Minimum Viable Product is not just about creating a minimal product; it's about smart learning and adapting. It's a strategy that encourages innovation and agility, enabling businesses to respond to changing market dynamics and customer preferences quickly and efficiently. By focusing on the Minimum Viable Product, companies can reduce waste, speed up the product development process, and increase the likelihood of creating products that truly meet the needs of their target audience.


The concept of a Minimum Viable Product is pivotal in the lean startup approach, providing a strategy to test, validate, and iterate product ideas with minimal resources. A Minimum Viable Product is the simplest version of a product that can be launched to gather maximum validated learning about customers with the least effort. It focuses on core functionalities that solve specific problems or fulfil essential needs for a target user base, allowing teams to learn from real user feedback, refine product assumptions, and make data-driven decisions for future development. This methodology helps in reducing the risks associated with launching new products by ensuring that the product development is closely aligned with market demands. This section outlines a step-by-step guide on ideating, developing, and launching a Minimum Viable Product, ensuring product teams can effectively apply this approach to bring successful products to market.

Step-by-step guide: 

  1. Identify user needs and market gap

    Begin by conducting market research and user interviews to identify unmet needs or problems that your product aims to address. This stage is crucial for understanding the target audience and the market gap your Minimum Viable Product intends to fill.

  2. Define value propisition

    Based on the identified needs, define a clear and compelling value proposition that outlines how your product will solve users' problems or improve their current situation. This value proposition should highlight the unique benefits your product offers.

  3. Determine core features

    Identify the core features that are essential to meet the user needs and deliver on your value proposition. Focus on functionalities that are critical for the Minimum Viable Product to be viable and effective in solving the identified problem. Avoid the temptation to add non-essential features at this stage.

  4. Design and develop the Minimum Viable Product

    With the core features identified, proceed to design and develop the Minimum Viable Product, keeping the implementation as simple as possible while ensuring functionality. The goal is to quickly create a workable product that can be introduced to users for feedback.

  5. Launch and gather feedback

    Launch the Minimum Viable Product to a carefully selected segment of your target audience. Use various channels to reach your users, such as email lists, social media, or beta testing groups. Collect feedback on the Minimum Viable Product’s performance, usability, and value proposition.

  6. Analyse feedback and learn

    Analyse the feedback received to identify patterns, preferences, and areas for improvement. This analysis should focus on validating the initial assumptions about user needs and the product's value proposition. Be open to learning and ready to pivot your strategy based on user insights.

  7. Iterate based on learnings

    Use the insights gained from user feedback to iterate on the product. This may involve making adjustments to features, adding new functionalities, or even pivoting the product direction. The iterative process is key to refining the Minimum Viable Product into a product that closely aligns with market needs and user expectations.

  8. Plan for further development

    Once the Minimum Viable Product has been validated and iterated upon based on user feedback, plan for further development. This includes scaling the product, adding new features based on priority, and expanding the user base. Each development cycle should continue to be guided by user feedback and market research.

The Minimum Viable Product methodology is a lean approach to product development that emphasises learning and adaptation. By focusing on core functionalities and iteratively refining the product based on real user feedback, teams can reduce risks, conserve resources, and ensure that the product development process is aligned with actual market demands. This step-by-step guide provides a structured path for successfully ideating, developing, and launching an Minimum Viable Product, enabling product teams to bring to market solutions that truly meet user needs and have a significant impact.

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The concept of a Minimum Viable Product approach allows Product Managers and development teams to test hypotheses, gather user feedback, and iterate on the product in real-time, ensuring that the final product better meets the needs of its target audience. While the MVP strategy offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency and adaptability, it also presents certain challenges that must be carefully managed. This section explores the benefits and limitations of employing an MVP approach in product development.


  • Rapid market entry

    One of the key benefits of a Minimum Viable Product is the ability to enter the market quickly. By focusing on developing the core functionalities that solve the main problem for users, teams can launch their products much faster than if they waited to build a fully-featured solution. This rapid market entry allows companies to establish a presence and start building a user base earlier, which can be critical in highly competitive markets.

  • Valuable user feedback

    Launching a Minimum Viable Product provides immediate access to valuable user feedback. This direct input from early adopters is instrumental in understanding user needs, preferences, and pain points, which might not be fully apparent without real-world use. Feedback gathered at this stage is used to make informed decisions about which features to prioritise, adjust, or eliminate in future iterations, aligning the product more closely with market demands.

  • Resource efficiency

    Developing a Minimum Viable Product is resource-efficient, requiring less time, financial investment, and team-effort compared to fully developing a product before launch. This efficiency is particularly advantageous for startups and companies with limited resources, allowing them to allocate their resources more effectively and reduce the risk associated with developing products that may not meet market needs.


  • Risk of under delivering

    A significant limitation of the Minimum Viable Product approach is the risk of under delivering on user expectations. If the Minimum Viable Product is too minimal and fails to adequately solve the user's problem, it can lead to negative first impressions that are hard to overcome, potentially damaging the brand's reputation and user trust.

  • Market misinterpretation

    While a Minimum Viable Product aims to gather user feedback for iterative development, there's a risk that the feedback might be misinterpreted or that the product might attract a different audience than intended. This misalignment can lead to iterating on a product based on feedback from users who are not the target market, steering the product in the wrong direction.

  • Feature creep in iteration

    As the product evolves from its Minimum Viable Product stage based on user feedback, there's a potential for feature creep—continuously adding features to meet every user request. This can complicate the product and stray from the original simplicity and focus, making it harder to maintain and potentially diluting its value proposition.


In conclusion, the Minimum Viable Product approach stands as a cornerstone in modern product development, particularly within lean and agile methodologies. By focusing on creating a product with just enough features to satisfy early adopters, teams can test hypotheses, gather invaluable user feedback, and refine their product in a resource-efficient manner. This iterative cycle of build-measure-learn not only accelerates time to market but also significantly reduces the risks associated with product development by ensuring that the product evolves in close alignment with user needs and preferences. While challenges such as the risk of underdelivering, potential market misinterpretation, and the dilemma of feature creep must be navigated carefully, the benefits of the Minimum Viable Product approach—rapid market entry, valuable user feedback, and resource efficiency—make it an indispensable strategy for startups and established companies alike. Embracing the Minimum Viable Product mindset encourages a culture of experimentation and learning, which is essential for innovation and adapting to the ever-changing market demands.

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