Planning Poker

An agile estimating and planning technique where team members use cards to vote on the size of tasks, promoting consensus and understanding.

Process Management

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Planning Poker, a consensus-based estimation technique in Agile and Scrum, engages teams to estimate task complexity through discussion and card selection. It fosters collaboration, accuracy, and team alignment, turning estimation into an interactive process that leverages collective wisdom for realistic product planning.


  1. Assemble the team,
  2. Prepare Planning Poker cards,
  3. Select a moderator,
  4. Explain the task,
  5. Individual voting,
  6. Reveal and discuss,
  7. Repeat voting (if necessary),
  8. Record the estimate,
  9. Move to the next task.


  • Encourage team collaboration and consensus,
  • Enhances understanding of task complexity,
  • Reduces estimation bias.


  • Time-consuming for large backlogs,
  • Requires full team participation,
  • Potential for misinterpretation of votes.


Planning Poker, also known as Scrum Poker, is an engaging and consensus-based estimating technique widely used in Agile and Scrum methodologies to estimate the complexity, effort, or size of tasks in software development projects. Originating from the Agile community, this method combines expert opinions, analogy, and disaggregation for effective task estimation, promoting a more accurate and collaborative approach to understanding work requirements.

In Planning Poker, team members are each given a set of cards, typically numbered to represent different levels of effort or complexity according to a predefined scale (for example, the Fibonacci sequence, T-shirt sizes, or simply numerical values). The process involves the product owner or facilitator presenting a user story or task to the team, after which each member selects a card that represents their estimate of the effort involved in completing that task.

Once all team members have selected a card, everyone reveals their cards simultaneously. If the estimates vary significantly, the team discusses the reasons behind the different assessments, aiming to understand the task better and address any uncertainties. This discussion continues until a consensus is reached or the facilitator decides to take an average or median of the estimates.

The benefits of Planning Poker extend beyond just estimating effort. It fosters team collaboration, ensures that all team members' perspectives are considered, and enhances the understanding of project requirements. By involving the entire team in the estimation process, Planning Poker also helps in identifying potential issues early, encourages team buy-in, and increases the accuracy of estimates by leveraging the collective wisdom of the group.

Planning Poker is not just a technique for estimation but also a tool for team building and communication. It brings a fun and interactive element to what can often be a challenging and dry task, helping to keep team members engaged and invested in the project planning process. Through this collaborative and democratic approach, Planning Poker ensures that project estimates are more reflective of the team's understanding and capabilities, leading to more realistic planning and scheduling in Agile projects.


Planning Poker is an agile estimating and planning technique that uses consensus to estimate effort or complexity in tasks or features in software development. It encourages team participation and facilitates a more accurate understanding of the work needed, promoting transparent and democratic decision-making. By using numbered cards to represent complexity points or time durations, team members individually vote on their estimations, then discuss the reasons behind their choices. This iterative process helps in aligning the team's understanding of the task at hand and results in more accurate planning. Here’s a step-by-step guide on implementing Planning Poker, ensuring teams can effectively use this technique to enhance their planning sessions.

Step-by-step guide: 

  1. Assemble the team

    Gather all team members who are involved in the execution of tasks, including developers, testers, and anyone who contributes to the project delivery. The product owner or project manager should also participate to provide clarifications on requirements.

  2. Prepare Planning Poker cards

    Each participant needs a set of Planning Poker cards. These cards typically have numbers representing the points for estimating effort or complexity, often following a Fibonacci sequence (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21) to reflect the uncertainty in larger estimates. Alternatively, digital tools and apps designed for Planning Poker can be used, especially for remote teams.

  3. Select a moderator

    Choose a moderator for the session, usually a Scrum master or team leader, responsible for facilitating the meeting, keeping discussions focused, and ensuring that every task is voted on.

  4. Explain the task

    The product owner or project manager presents a task or feature to be estimated, providing all necessary details and answering any questions. Clear understanding is crucial for accurate estimation.

  5. Individual voting

    Once the task is understood, each team member selects a card representing their estimate of effort or complexity, keeping their choice hidden from the others to avoid biassing the votes.

  6. Reveal and discuss

    All team members simultaneously reveal their cards. If estimates vary significantly, the team discusses the reasons behind the different numbers, focusing on extreme values to uncover any misunderstandings or overlooked aspects.

  7. Repeat voting (if necessary)

    After discussion, another round of voting occurs. This process is repeated until the team reaches a consensus or converges on a close range of estimates. It may not be necessary to achieve absolute agreement, but the final estimate should reflect the team's collective judgement.

  8. Record the estimate

    Once consensus is reached, the agreed-upon estimate is recorded for the task or feature. This estimate is then used for sprint planning and project forecasting.

  9. Move to the next task

    Proceed to the next task or feature and repeat the process. Planning Poker sessions should be time-boxed to ensure that the team remains focused and efficient.

Planning Poker is an effective and engaging method for agile teams to estimate the effort and complexity of tasks through collaborative consensus. This technique not only aids in achieving more accurate estimations but also enhances team understanding and commitment to the project scope. By following the structured approach outlined above, teams can implement Planning Poker to improve their planning processes, ensuring a shared understanding of project challenges and a realistic approach to task completion.

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Planning Poker is an agile estimation technique used by teams to gauge the effort, complexity, or size of tasks and features in software development sprints. Planning Poker not only facilitates a better understanding of project requirements but also fosters team collaboration and communication. While it offers a dynamic and engaging approach to estimation, effectively implementing Planning Poker also comes with challenges that need to be addressed to avoid estimation biases and ensure productive sessions. This section will explore the benefits and limitations of utilising Planning Poker in the agile development process.


  • Encourages team collaboration and consensus

    One of the key advantages of Planning Poker is its ability to foster collaboration among team members. By inviting everyone to contribute their estimates and rationales, the technique promotes a shared understanding of the project scope and tasks. This inclusive approach encourages consensus-building and leverages the collective knowledge and experience of the team, leading to more reliable and agreed-upon estimates.

  • Enhances understanding of task complexity

    Planning Poker sessions often involve discussions that highlight different perspectives on task complexity and effort. These conversations can reveal insights into potential challenges or dependencies that may not have been initially apparent. By deepening the team's understanding of each task, Planning Poker helps ensure that estimations reflect a comprehensive view of the work involved.

  • Reduces estimation bias

    The structured nature of Planning Poker, where individual estimates are made independently and revealed simultaneously, helps reduce biases that can occur in group estimation processes. It minimises the influence of dominant personalities or anchoring effects, where the first estimate presented unduly influences subsequent ones, promoting a more objective and balanced estimation process.


  • Time-consuming for large backlogs

    A potential limitation of Planning Poker is that it can be time-consuming, especially for teams with large backlogs of items to estimate. Each round of estimation and discussion, while valuable, takes time. For teams under tight schedules, balancing the depth of discussion with the need to progress through many items can be challenging.

  • Requires full team participation

    The effectiveness of Planning Poker relies on full team participation, which can be difficult to achieve if team members are distributed, have conflicting schedules, or vary in their commitment to the process. Lack of participation can skew estimates and reduce the value of the consensus-building aspect of the technique.

  • Potential for misinterpretation of votes

    While Planning Poker promotes a democratic approach to estimation, differences in understanding or interpretation of the points system can lead to confusion or misalignment. Ensuring that all team members have a common understanding of what each point or card represents in terms of effort and complexity is crucial for accurate estimations.


In conclusion, Planning Poker emerges as a highly effective method for agile teams to collaboratively and accurately estimate the effort and complexity of tasks. Its consensus-based approach not only democratises the estimation process but also fosters a deeper understanding and alignment within the team regarding project requirements and potential challenges. By encouraging open dialogue and leveraging the collective intelligence of the team, Planning Poker helps mitigate common biases and ensures that diverse perspectives are considered, leading to more reliable and agreed-upon estimates.

However, the implementation of Planning Poker requires mindful management of potential limitations such as the time required for extensive backlogs and the need for full team engagement to avoid skewed outcomes. Moreover, a clear and shared understanding of the estimation scale is vital to prevent misinterpretation and ensure the accuracy of the consensus.

By carefully navigating these challenges and capitalising on the benefits of enhanced collaboration and reduced bias, Planning Poker stands as a cornerstone in the arsenal of agile estimation techniques, enabling teams to achieve greater efficiency and precision in their planning processes.

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