Wideband Delphi Technique

A consensus-building method involving multiple rounds of anonymous estimating or forecasting, refining group estimates to reach a closer agreement.

Process Management

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Wideband Delphi, an evolved version of the classic Delphi method, fosters consensus among experts for accurate estimations in product management. Through structured, iterative rounds of estimation and discussion, it leverages collective intelligence to mitigate biases and enhance planning precision, vital for product success.


  1. Define the estimation task,
  2. Select the expert panel, 
  3. Conduct the first estimation round, 
  4. Facilitate discussion among experts,
  5. Conduct subsequent estimation rounds,
  6. Finalise the consensus estimate, 
  7. Document and communicate the results, 
  8.  Review and adjust as needed.


  • Enhances estimation accuracy,
  • Promotes collaborative problem-solving,
  • Facilitates knowledge sharing and learning.


  • Time-consuming process, 
  • Risk of groupthink,
  • Dependence on expert selection.


Wideband Delphi is a consensus-based estimation technique used primarily in product management and software development for forecasting time, costs, and resource requirements. Developed in the 1970s by Barry Boehm as an enhancement of the classic Delphi method, Wideband Delphi involves a structured, iterative process where a team of experts anonymously generates estimates, followed by rounds of review and revision that gradually converge on a collective agreement.

The process begins with a facilitator presenting the task or product parameters to the team. Each team member independently writes down their estimate, which is then anonymously shared with the group. The range of estimates is discussed—without attributing specific estimates to individuals—to clarify assumptions, address uncertainties, and share perspectives. Subsequent rounds of estimation are conducted based on the insights gained from the discussion, with the goal of moving towards a consensus.

Wideband Delphi is distinguished by its collaborative approach, which leverages the collective knowledge and experience of the team to arrive at more accurate estimates. It mitigates the influence of dominant personalities and encourages the sharing of diverse viewpoints, leading to more reliable and realistic forecasting. This method is valuable in planning and decision-making processes where precise estimation is critical to product success and resource management.


The Wideband Delphi Technique is a structured, iterative, and team-based method for estimating and forecasting in product management, software development, and other fields requiring expert judgement. This technique aims to converge on a consensus estimate for project tasks or product development durations by anonymously gathering estimates from experts, discussing the estimates, and iterating the process until a consensus is reached. The Wideband Delphi technique is particularly useful for mitigating individual bias and leveraging collective wisdom, making it an effective tool for planning and decision-making. This guide outlines a structured approach to implementing the Wideband Delphi Technique, facilitating accurate and consensus-based estimates.

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Define the estimation task

    Clearly specify the task or project component that requires estimation. Provide all necessary background information, specifications, and scope details to ensure that the experts have a clear understanding of what they are estimating.

  2. Select the expert panel

    Assemble a panel of experts with diverse knowledge and experience related to the task at hand. The panel should be small enough to manage effectively, typically between 3 to 7 members, to facilitate detailed discussion and consensus-building.

  3. Conduct the first estimation round

    • Distribute Estimation Forms: Provide each expert with an estimation form to anonymously record their initial estimate for the task, along with any assumptions or rationale.

    • Compile Initial Estimates: Collect the completed forms and summarise the estimates, highlighting any significant variances without attributing specific estimates to individuals.

  4. Facilitates discussion among experts

    Arrange a meeting (in person or virtually) where the experts can discuss the range of estimates. The discussion should focus on understanding the reasons behind the variances and assumptions made by the experts. The goal is not to reach an immediate consensus but to share insights and perspectives.

  5. Conduct subsequent estimation rounds

    Based on the discussion, ask the experts to submit revised estimates, taking into account the insights gained during the discussion. Repeat the process of compilation and discussion for as many rounds as necessary until the estimates converge and a consensus is reached.

  6. Finalise the consensus estimate

    Once the estimates have stabilised and the experts have reached a consensus, finalise the consensus estimate for the task. This estimate should be documented along with any key assumptions and rationale provided by the experts.

  7. Document and communicate the results

    Document the estimation process, the consensus estimate, and any relevant discussions or assumptions. Communicate the results to all relevant stakeholders, including the expert panel, project team, and management.

  8. Review and adjust as needed

    Recognise that estimates may need to be adjusted as new information becomes available or as project conditions change. Be prepared to revisit and update the consensus estimate, potentially using the Wideband Delphi Technique again if significant changes occur.

The Wideband Delphi Technique provides a structured and collaborative approach to estimation that leverages expert judgement while minimising individual biases. By facilitating anonymous estimation, iterative discussion, and consensus-building, this technique helps teams produce more accurate and reliable estimates for complex tasks and projects. Implementing the Wideband Delphi Technique according to the structured approach outlined above supports effective planning, risk management, and decision-making in product management and development processes.

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Wideband Delphi is particularly useful in product management and any scenario where precise estimation of time, cost, or outcomes is critical. By facilitating structured group communication, the method aims to converge on a consensus estimate that reflects the collective wisdom and insights of the participants. While Wideband Delphi offers a collaborative and iterative framework for improving estimation accuracy, it also encounters challenges related to group dynamics and the efficiency of the process that need careful management. This section will explore the advantages and limitations of employing the Wideband Delphi technique in achieving reliable and consensus-based estimates.


  • Enhances estimation accuracy

    One of the key benefits of the Wideband Delphi method is its potential to enhance estimation accuracy. By pooling the knowledge and experience of multiple experts and refining estimates through successive rounds, the method can reduce individual bias and converge on a more accurate collective judgement.

  • Promotes collaborative problem-solving

    Wideband Delphi promotes collaborative problem-solving by encouraging open discussion and exchange of ideas among participants. This collaborative environment not only aids in achieving a consensus estimate but also enhances understanding of the estimation problem and the underlying assumptions.

  • Facilitates knowledge sharing and learning

    The iterative nature of the Wideband Delphi process, coupled with the opportunity for anonymous feedback, facilitates knowledge sharing and learning among participants. This aspect of the method helps in building a shared understanding of product complexities and challenges, contributing to team development and cohesion.


  • Timing-consuming process

    The iterative rounds of estimation and feedback inherent in the Wideband Delphi process can be time-consuming. Achieving consensus among experts requires multiple iterations, which may not be feasible under tight project timelines or in fast-paced development environments.

  • Risk of groupthink

    While the Wideband Delphi method aims to mitigate individual biases, there is still a risk of groupthink, where the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. Facilitators must be vigilant in encouraging independent thinking and mitigating any dominance by particular voices.

  • Dependence on expert selection

    The effectiveness of the Wideband Delphi technique is heavily dependent on the selection of participants. Ensuring a diverse and knowledgeable group of experts is crucial; however, assembling such a group can be challenging. The success of the process hinges on the breadth and depth of expertise among the participants.


The Wideband Delphi technique stands as a pivotal methodology in the realm of product management and product development, offering a systematic approach to achieving consensus among experts for accurate estimations. By harnessing the collective intelligence and experience of a diverse group of individuals, this technique mitigates the influence of individual biases and dominant personalities, fostering a more inclusive and democratic decision-making process. Its iterative rounds of estimation and discussion not only refine the accuracy of forecasts but also promote a deeper understanding among team members about the task at hand.

In conclusion, while the Wideband Delphi technique requires careful management of time and group dynamics, its benefits in enhancing estimation accuracy, fostering collaborative problem-solving, and facilitating knowledge sharing are invaluable. This method provides a robust framework for teams looking to navigate the complexities of product timelines and resource allocations with greater precision and confidence. By adopting the Wideband Delphi Technique, organisations can significantly improve their planning processes, ensuring that decisions are grounded in a comprehensive and shared understanding of product realities.

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