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Monthly Active Users (MAU)

The total number of unique users who engage with a product or service within a single month.


An icon indicating the number of times a resources has been favourited.


Monthly Active Users measures unique monthly user engagement, crucial for assessing product stickiness and growth trends. For Product Managers, it indicates the health and potential of their product, guiding decisions on user acquisition, retention, and development to drive long-term success and sustainability.


  1. Define active user, 
  2. Implement tracking systems, 
  3. Collect data,
  4. Calculate Monthly Active Users, 
  5. Segment and analyse results.


  • Assessment of user engagement and retention, 
  • Strategic planning and resource allocation, 
  • Market position and competitive analysis.


  • Potential for misinterpretation in isolation, 
  • Fluctuations due to external factors, 
  • Risk of overemphasis on growth over quality.


Monthly Active Users (MAU) is a key performance indicator that measures the number of unique users who engage with a product or service within a given month. This metric is crucial for understanding the scale of user engagement and the overall reach of the product. It helps in assessing the stickiness of the product—how well it retains users over time—and in identifying trends in user engagement, such as growth or decline in the active user base.

For Product Managers, Monthly Active Users provides valuable insights into the health and growth potential of their product. It serves as a gauge for the effectiveness of user acquisition strategies, the impact of new features or updates on user retention, and the overall satisfaction of users with the product. A consistent increase in Monthly Active Users indicates a healthy, growing product, while stagnation or decline may signal the need for strategic adjustments.

Optimising Monthly Active Users is essential for driving long-term success and sustainability. It involves enhancing user engagement through continuous product improvements, effective marketing campaigns, and by fostering a positive user experience. Understanding the dynamics of Monthly Active Users enables Product Managers to make informed decisions about resource allocation, marketing strategies, and product development priorities, all aimed at maximising user engagement and achieving business goals.


Calculating Monthly Active Users is a fundamental metric for assessing the overall engagement and growth of your product or service. Monthly Active Users quantifies the number of unique users who engage with your product within a 30-day period, providing insights into its reach, user retention, and the effectiveness of engagement strategies. This metric is crucial for tracking trends over time, informing product development, and measuring the impact of marketing initiatives.

The process of calculating Monthly Active Users is as follows:

  1. Define active user

    Start by defining what constitutes an "active" user for your product. This definition can vary depending on your product's nature and business goals. For some, an active user might be someone who logs into an app, while for others, it could be a user who visits a website, makes a transaction, or performs a specific action within your platform. The specificity of this definition is critical for ensuring that Monthly Active Users accurately reflects meaningful engagement.

  2. Implement tracking systems

    To track active users, implement robust analytics tools across your platform that can accurately identify and record unique user interactions. These systems should be capable of distinguishing between new and returning users and tracking their activities to ensure that each user is only counted once per month, regardless of the number of actions they perform.

  3. Collect data

    Gather data on user activity across your product over the course of a month. This involves capturing every instance where users meet the defined criteria for being "active." Ensure that your data collection methods are consistent and reliable to maintain the integrity of the Monthly Active Users calculation.

  4. Calculate Monthly Active Users

    With the desired action defined, the audience identified, and the data collected, the Acquisition Conversion Rate can be calculated using the following formula:
An equation showing how to calculate the Monthly Active User
  1. Segment and analyse results

    Break down Monthly Active Users data by user demographics, behaviour, or source of acquisition to identify which segments are most active or show the most significant growth. This segmentation can inform targeted marketing strategies and product development efforts.

    Analyse Monthly Active Users trends over time to identify growth patterns, seasonal variations, or any irregularities. Comparing Monthly Active Users with other related metrics, such as Daily Active Users (DAU) and the DAU/MAU ratio, can provide deeper insights into user engagement and retention.

In conclusion, accurately calculating and actively working to increase Monthly Active Users are critical for any product manager aiming to drive growth and ensure the long-term success of their product. By following this detailed methodology, you can gain valuable insights into user behaviour, inform strategic decisions, and foster a more engaging and valuable user experience.


Calculating Monthly Active Users is a fundamental metric for assessing the overall engagement and growth of your product or service. Monthly Active Users quantifies the number of unique users who engage with your product within a 30-day period, providing insights into its reach, user retention, and the effectiveness of engagement strategies. This metric is crucial for tracking trends over time, informing product development, and measuring the impact of marketing initiatives.

The process of calculating Monthly Active Users is as follows:

  1. Define active user

    Start by defining what constitutes an "active" user for your product. This definition can vary depending on your product's nature and business goals. For some, an active user might be someone who logs into an app, while for others, it could be a user who visits a website, makes a transaction, or performs a specific action within your platform. The specificity of this definition is critical for ensuring that Monthly Active Users accurately reflects meaningful engagement.

  2. Implement tracking systems

    To track active users, implement robust analytics tools across your platform that can accurately identify and record unique user interactions. These systems should be capable of distinguishing between new and returning users and tracking their activities to ensure that each user is only counted once per month, regardless of the number of actions they perform.

  3. Collect data

    Gather data on user activity across your product over the course of a month. This involves capturing every instance where users meet the defined criteria for being "active." Ensure that your data collection methods are consistent and reliable to maintain the integrity of the Monthly Active Users calculation.

  4. Calculate Monthly Active Users

    With the desired action defined, the audience identified, and the data collected, the Acquisition Conversion Rate can be calculated using the following formula:
An equation showing how to calculate the Monthly Active User
  1. Segment and analyse results

    Break down Monthly Active Users data by user demographics, behaviour, or source of acquisition to identify which segments are most active or show the most significant growth. This segmentation can inform targeted marketing strategies and product development efforts.

    Analyse Monthly Active Users trends over time to identify growth patterns, seasonal variations, or any irregularities. Comparing Monthly Active Users with other related metrics, such as Daily Active Users (DAU) and the DAU/MAU ratio, can provide deeper insights into user engagement and retention.

In conclusion, accurately calculating and actively working to increase Monthly Active Users are critical for any product manager aiming to drive growth and ensure the long-term success of their product. By following this detailed methodology, you can gain valuable insights into user behaviour, inform strategic decisions, and foster a more engaging and valuable user experience.


In conclusion, Monthly Active Users is a fundamental metric for Product Managers to track, offering crucial insights into user engagement, platform health, and growth trends. By effectively measuring and analysing Monthly Active Users, businesses can make informed decisions on user acquisition, retention strategies, and overall product development. A consistent increase in Monthly Active Users signals a healthy, engaging product that meets users' needs, while a decline may prompt a reevaluation of current strategies. However, it's essential to consider Monthly Active Users in conjunction with other metrics for a holistic view of product performance and to ensure that growth in user numbers translates into meaningful engagement and satisfaction. Balancing the pursuit of higher Monthly Active Users with maintaining a quality user experience is key to sustainable long-term success and building a loyal user base.

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